Browsing: Artists

Kevin Swartz studied illustration and concept design at Art Center College of Design and Gnomon School of Visual Effects. His…

Michael C. Hayes is a professional freelance illustrator based in San Diego, California. Michael has created illustrations for Wizards of…

Stephen Chang is a senior concept artist currently working at LucasArts. Stephen attended Art Center College of Design with a…

Cyril Tahmassebi is a French concept artist and illustrator working in the entertainment industry. Cyril is currently working for game…

Christian Piccolo is a concept artist and illustrator working in the video game industry. Christian is currently working as Senior…

Stanley Von Medvey is a freelance concept artist and illustrator located in Chicago, Illinois. Stanley has worked on video game…

Ilya Nazarov is a concept artist and illustrator currently working at Bethesda Softworks. Ilya has created concept art for video…

Stuart Kim is a concept artist and illustrator working in the video game industry. He attended the Art Center College…

Goro Fujita is a visual development artist and character animator working in the entertainment industry. Goro is currently working as…

Graven Tung is a professional concept artist and illustrator currently working in the video game industry. Graven has worked for…

François Baranger is a french freelance concept artist who has done work for both films and video games. He has…

Thom Tenery is a concept artist and illustrator from Los Angeles, California currently working in the entertainment industry. Thom attended…

William Smith is a concept artist and illustrator located in Houston, Texas. William started his career in advertising working for…

James Carson is a Concept Designer and Illustrator working in the film industry. James has created production designs and illustrations…

Gerhard Mozsi is a concept artist and matte painter who has been involved the VFX industry for the last 6…