Artist and Animation Director Ran Sieradzki was kind enough to shows us some of the art behind “Meet me far”, an animated music video created in 3D. The idea for a music video came when Sieradzki initiated a call to a well-known singer and offered to create a video for one of his songs. The video completion took over two years and by the time it was finalized Sieradzki and his team had lost their original singer. After several failed attempts to find a new song for the video, Sieradzki was approached by music producer/composer Tomer Biran. The song suggested by Biran worked perfectly and there was no need to change the animated video. From concept character design to 3D rendering, view the music video below and tell us; does the concept compare to the finished product?
Link: Meet me far on Facebook
All images used with permission. © Meet me far.