Dan LuVisi is a digital concept artist working in the film, video game and comic book industry. Dan has worked…

Hervé Groussin a.k.a. Nurö, is a French concept artist and illustrator working in the game industry. He is currently located…

Bethesda Softworks has released some concept art for Brink, an immersive shooter that blends single-player, co-op, and multiplayer gameplay into…

Alex Broeckel a.k.a. Raybender, is a freelance concept artist and digital painter. Alex worked for over 12 years as a…

The official website for the puzzle platform video game LittleBigPlanet has released some concept art and illustrations. The work displayed…

The official website for NCsoft’s Aion Online has released some concept artwork. Aion is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game…

Stephan Martiniere is a concept artist and illustrator with over 25 years of experience working in the film, animation and…

The official website for Guild Wars 2 has some great concept art and will be  releasing The Art of Guild…