Hovig Alahaidoyan is located in Portsmouth, United Kingdom and currently working as a Concept Artist…

Theodor Waern is a concept artist and illustrator located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Theodor currently works…

Pascal Casolari is an independent concept artist, illustrator, matte painter and teacher located in Lyon,…

Miguel Lopez, a.k.a. Devilminer is a concept designer and illustrator located in Los Angeles, California.…

Christine Choi is a concept artist and illustrator currently working at THQ in Montreal, Canada.…

Ross Dearsley is a professional freelance concept artist and illustrator based in Berkshire, United Kingdom.…

Wes Louie is a concept artist and illustrator currently working in the entertainment industry for…

Gem Lim is a concept artist and illustrator currently working in the video game industry.…